Business To Business
Want to expand your product offerings to your customers without a large investment of time and money? Or do you just want to get out of the shop and back into the field?
Clearlight can help!!! Let us be your supplier of high quality, custom glass and mirror products, fabricated to your exact specifications, and on your timetable. We already support many businesses with our products and services and seemlessly extend their capabilities. We can supplement or even replace your in-house fabrication operations. And we do it for a price that works for you. It is a win-win situation!
If you are interested in exploring a partnership with us, please give us a call at 336.993.7300 to discuss the possibilities.
Opening An Account
If you are ready to begin placing orders with us, please complete and return our Credit Application Form and optionally the NC Tax Exemption Form.
We also suggest that you download a copy of our Ordering Guide that provides comprehensive information about ordering products from Clearlight and includes our terms and conditions.
Thank you for your interest in Clearlight Glass and Mirror...